Thank you for looking after us during camp and bringing us amazing team leader I have fun at camp it was my first ever camp I am happy that I got to stay 2 nights And go to bomb in the bombing pool. At camp it was fun because everybody had fun playing in the cold and playing at kayaking. I am playing with my friends like leonardy.
I was helping Miss Takere take some food to the big tent and I got to load up the cooler with Patties and sausages.
My favourite was going kayaking with my friend Lennox and it was my favourite because we got to get wet and when I went by myself my friend Lennox fell out of his kayak It was funny because he looked shocked because of the cold water.
After we finished camp you told team 4 that the Generals were the winners and we got to have chocolate but you called it a healthy snack and that was funny. Thank you Mr Somerville for letting me go on camp.