
Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Farewell, Room 11

Room 11 ...
Be the best you can be,
On your learning journey:
Creating and sharing
All the new things you're learning,
Let's strive to succeed!

Monday, 9 July 2018

Working together - by Leylani

We have talked a lot about how we can work together by listening and talking kindly to each other when we are solving problems in Maths.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Chuck it in the right bin!

Yesterday Mariko, Lee and Jayah had lots of fun helping Mr Vogt sort out the recycling outside Room 11.  As the recycling bin was pretty full, they had to shift all the paper and other recycling from the little yellow bin and put it in the big yellow bin. They think we are all getting pretty good at chucking our rubbish in the right bin. Ka mau te wehi!

Thursday, 5 July 2018

I like to move it - our artwork

We had lots of fun painting our backgrounds for our Move It! art. We learnt to mix colours and added texture with sponges and popsicle sticks.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Forces of flight animation - by Donte

During Term 2, Team 4 have been creating animations to share what they know about the four forces of flight. Here is Donte's example.