
Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Farewell, Room 11

Room 11 ...
Be the best you can be,
On your learning journey:
Creating and sharing
All the new things you're learning,
Let's strive to succeed!

Monday, 9 July 2018

Working together - by Leylani

We have talked a lot about how we can work together by listening and talking kindly to each other when we are solving problems in Maths.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Chuck it in the right bin!

Yesterday Mariko, Lee and Jayah had lots of fun helping Mr Vogt sort out the recycling outside Room 11.  As the recycling bin was pretty full, they had to shift all the paper and other recycling from the little yellow bin and put it in the big yellow bin. They think we are all getting pretty good at chucking our rubbish in the right bin. Ka mau te wehi!

Thursday, 5 July 2018

I like to move it - our artwork

We had lots of fun painting our backgrounds for our Move It! art. We learnt to mix colours and added texture with sponges and popsicle sticks.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Forces of flight animation - by Donte

During Term 2, Team 4 have been creating animations to share what they know about the four forces of flight. Here is Donte's example.

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Flying Picture Dictation - by Lee

Yesterday we made this picture dictation and it was so cool because we drew.  It is about flying machines.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

The History of Flying Machines - by Deborah

Today I was working on the history of flying machines on a time line we had to work on this I put the slide of the order at the bottom of the page.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Paper plane pilots

While we have been learning about the forces of flight, we have had the opportunity to make some paper planes. Some of the instructions seemed a bit tricky but we managed to help each other figure it out. We worked out that different designs cause the paper planes to fly in different ways. Only some of them, like the Nakamura Lock, flew a long distance. Our boomerang planes were quite successful. Some of them flew back to us but some ended up landing on the roof of Room 11!

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Our sporting star

We've talked a lot about Matariki stars. Here is one of our sporting stars! Brendon was really excited and proud to receive two certificates at assembly yesterday. First of all he was presented with the Player of the Day award after his Year 5/6 team played rugby against Dilworth on Tuesday. The second award, the big blue certificate, celebrated that his Year 5/6 team won the Auckland Rugby League Primary Schools Competition on Wednesday.  What wonderful achievements, Brendon!

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Matariki Stars

Last week we drew stars and patterns with wax crayons on our background before turning this into a night sky using water colours.  Our night skies began to shine more brightly once we added some vibrant oil pastel stars.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Final Flag Football

After learning lots of skills during Term 2, it was finally time to play a full game of Flag Football at our last Kiwisport session yesterday. Coach Will and Coach Donna have taught us so much: huddle, cadence, snap, scrimmage, touchdown!  Such fun!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

The Paperclip Challenge

We are learning to work together with people other than our friends when we work in small groups in Room 11. We are trying our best to encourage and support each other by using kind words.

We had lots of fun completing a team-building activity today. We had a race to see which group could create the longest paperclip chain in five minutes. However, it wasn't as simple as it sounds! There were some rules: there couldn't be paperclips of the same colour next to each other and, the tougher rule, we were only allowed to use one hand. The other hand had to stay behind our back!

Check out the photos to see what an amazing job we did working together on this challenge. We did lots of talking to come up with strategies to work together to try to complete the task. We soon realised that everyone has an important part to play when we are working in a small group.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Kite-Making for Matariki

During our whole-school Matariki celebration last Friday, an amazing group of tamariki created kites in Room 11. As it was such a beautiful day, we were able to go outside and test how they flew too.

Monday, 11 June 2018

Matariki Day - by Connor

Last Friday was a Matariki celebration day. I went to Room 27 with Ms Gaston and Mrs Carter to make cookies and slime.

Matariki is a celebration in Maori culture. It is the Maori new year.  In my group first I did cooking.  I was with Ms Gaston and Mrs Carter. We made star cookies. First we had to  read the instructions.  then we  made a group and made some cookies.  And we had morning tea and then when morning tea was finished we made some Galaxy slime.

At the end of the day we ate some cookies and they tasted good. It was amazing fun I had the greatest Matariki day ever.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Celebrating Matariki

Everyone at PES was split into different groups yesterday for a whole day of fun-filled craft, food or sporting activities to celebrate Matariki.  In Room 11 Mrs Stone and Mrs Buchanan organised kite-making. Here Teingoa shows the marvellous triangular kite he created using bamboo, fabric, string and crepe paper.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Move It: Da Vinci parachutes

As part of our learning about how things move, we made model parachutes based on the design of Leonardo da Vinci.

To do this, we had to create 4 triangles that were the same size. We measured carefully to make the sides of the triangles the correct length. We learnt to use a protractor to measure the angles in the triangles.

Here are some photos of us helping each other as we did lots of thinking, measuring and creating.

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Talofa, Point England Kindergarten!

We were so lucky that Point England Kindergarten were able to join us at our school assembly yesterday to celebrate Samoan Language Week. The beautiful tamaiti sang O Le Pepe and other traditional songs at this special event to share with us what they have been learning.

Friday, 1 June 2018

The forces of flight - by Atawhai

I have learnt that there are four forces of flight.  They are lift, weight, thrust and drag.  

Friday, 25 May 2018

Cybersmart Passwords - by Valessa

Today we have been learning how to create a secure, safe, strong password for our devices and if you need a strong new password for your device here is a post to help you and to help you secure your account.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Learning to be Cybersmart - by Lee

We have been learning about being Cybersmart and creating strong and secure passwords. We made up a role play in groups to help us and others think about what doing the right thing looks like.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Block and Tackle!

Mr Jacobsen set up his block and tackle pulley system especially for Room 11 on Friday afternoon so we could see how simple machines can help us move things.  After watching a video and checking out some pulleys in class, it was so much more fun trying to lift a crate of heavy bricks outside in the real world!  It took the effort and energy of three people to lift the load using a rope but everyone could lift the crate on their own with the help of the block and tackle.

Thank you so much, Mr J, for sharing this technology with us.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Air, air, everywhere - by Manuel

We are learning about air and we found out that there is air in an empty bottle when we blew a balloon.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Air, air, everywhere!

What did we learn about air from our experiment with balloons and bottles? Well, the bottles looked empty but we learnt that the empty bottles were actually full of air.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Moving Marbles - by Connor

Last week we began to explore how things move using marbles.  Here is Connor's slideshow sharing what he saw in the video and what happened with the marbles.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Just keep swimming!

Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming! Team 4 has begun their swimming programme at the GI pools this term. Check out what Room 11 has been learning about with their instructors in our PENN movie for Term 2!

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Tread Lightly

Tread Lightly is an awesome organisation that visits Auckland schools to help 8-12 year old children learn more about looking after our planet by making sustainable choices.  Dominique from Tread Lightly visited Pt England yesterday to explain why we need to start recycling soft plastics.  These are the plastics we can scrunch up in our hands, like plastic bags, chip packets and plastic wrap.  Donte and Jermaine stepped into the limelight to help Dominique share her message with everyone in Team 4 yesterday.  They played their roles with so much style and enthusiasm.  It was wonderful to watch.

New recycling bins have just been delivered to Pt England.  Donte and Jermaine have also volunteered to be Room 11's Bincurity monitors to make sure that we chuck our rubbish in the right bin. Ka mau te wehi!

What do we need to do? Chuck it in the right bin!

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Patterns - by Tahliyah

I created patterns using different things in the classroom.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Our First Flag Football

This term's Kiwisport is learning how to play Flag Football.  It is a non-contact version of Grid Iron.  At our first session today Coach Will taught us how to hold and carry the ball correctly.  When we hold and throw this football, it is different to rugby.  We have to be more precise because some fingers have to spread over the lace.  When we are running with the ball, there are three holding points:
  1. Hand - index finger over the tip
  2. Touching the inside of wrist and forearm
  3. Ball firmly against our side.
I wonder what we will learn about next week?

Saturday, 5 May 2018

What's my number? - by Deborah

This week I've been working on my What's my number because it has helped me with place value.

Friday, 4 May 2018

A week in motion

The force has been strong in Room 11 ... we have been on the move a lot this week!  As well as enjoying moving it through the water at swimming, we have had a very busy and exciting week moving it at the park after swimming, moving it at assembly when we all performed our Fiafia items for the rest of the school, and moving it around the bike track this afternoon.  The wheels were in motion at the end of our week in motion.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Time for a swim!

We were off to the pools today for our first swimming session.  After sorting out the groups, it was time to move it, move it through the water!  Thanks to everyone who remembered their togs!

Monday, 30 April 2018

We like to move it!

What a fabulous assembly to begin Term 2 today! It was amazing to watch the different items to find out how each team will be learning about forces and motion this term.

In Team 4 we will be learning about the forces of flight - how things move and fly through the air.  After our homemade aeroplane crashed off the stage, we sure have a lot to learn!

Friday, 13 April 2018

Fiafia 2018

Despite the challenge of cold and somewhat wet weather for all the performers and the audience, we enjoyed a wonderful evening of singing and dancing at Fiafia 2018 last night.  After practising throughout Term 1, all of our tamariki were finally able to share their amazing talent with whānau and friends.  Teingoa was the only Fijian warrior from Room 11 and he did a marvellous job of showcasing traditional Fijian meke on the big stage in front of such a large crowd.  Bula!

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Fiafia ... it's finally here!

We have been practising for our Fiafia items with our different groups this term and today is the day that we finally get to perform on the stage.  We have been making cards to thank our coaches for the time and effort they have put into making our dances look amazing.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

My Term 1 Animation - by Jayah

This is my animation about respect and this animation shows me picking up rubbish outside.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Learning through Lego

Brendon and Lee created a rocket ship for their heroes so that they can get away from the bad guys who are chasing after them.  They enjoyed making things with the Lego after they had finished their work.

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Robot Rampage - by Leah

Every weekend there was one job Hemi hated doing: mowing the lawns, He’d much rather be building his latest robot invention in the shed. That was it! What if Hemi could build a robot to mow the lawns? Hemi dad told hemi that the lawns had to be mowed this weekend and his big sister told him to do it but he said no. So Hemi had stayed up all night looking for some tools to make a robot so that hemi doesn't need to mow the lawns. Once Hemi had finished the robot he took the robot out of the shed and made it work and the robot had started to work and then it had mowed the lawn and hemi fell asleep and while the robot was finished mowing the lawn hemi woke up and the robot was gone.    

Hemi was so scared that the robot might of going somewhere far away from the house so hemi was so furious so hemi had done the biggest scream so his sister came out of the house and “said why did you scream” and he said nothing so he was so quiet so is dad came out with a suitcase with something inside. So Hemi asked his dad what is inside the suitcase but the dad had annoyed hemi. So the sister was laughing at Hemi then Hemi started crying and he told the sister that he didn’t like it. So he told the mum so hemi told the mum if she had seen a robot and the mum said yes and it just went past. So Hemi was following the track where the robot was going so he found it and the lawns was still not finished because he had forgotten the backyard so hemi was angry and so when it got to saturday Hemi dad ask if he had finish mowing the lawns. So hemi was trying not to lie but he said yes so hemi dad went to the backyard and when hemi dad was so angry because hemi dad needed the lawns to be short because hemi dad family is going to have a party. So Hemi was angry that he didn’t find the robot but when he got in his mum and dad room the robot was on the bed sitting down. So hemi was so so so proud that he had found the robot and then hemi took it outside and pressed the button so that it can mow the lawns and once it was finished the backyard the dad came out of the house to see if the backyard lawn was mowed. Next hemi dad paid him 200 dollars because hemi really wanted to get a playstation but it cost 200 dollars so hemi had gone to buy it…..


Thursday, 29 March 2018

French cricket

We had fun learning how to play French cricket with our Maths groups yesterday afternoon.  As well as learning a new game, we were learning to work together when we were fielding to try to get the batsman out!

Saturday, 24 March 2018

A musical afternoon

Three musicians from the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra brought their instruments and enthusiasm for music to Team 4 yesterday afternoon to play a selection of music from around the world.  The trio played Irish and gypsy dance music as well as some classical music from Germany.  Greg sang, played the guitar and the flute while Paul played the cello. Yulia, who comes from Russia originally, played the violin.  Some of the music was so relaxing that it made us feel sleepy while the energy of the dance music made us want us to tap and clap along.

Many thanks to the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and their sponsors for arranging this fantastic visit.

Friday, 23 March 2018

My fourth marine environment activity - by Valessa

Hi I am back and I wanted to post this activity because I want to share what I learnt about by reading.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Kī o Rahi

It was finally time to play the full game of Kī o Rahi yesterday after learning and practising different parts of the game with our Kiwisport coaches, Alan and Puti, throughout the term.  It was so much fun putting all the elements together as we worked together in our teams. We all had a chance to be both taniwha and kīoma.  What an amazing opportunity!

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Shading shapes

We are learning how to use pencil to create form through shading. We started by sketching a circle and added shading so that it transformed into a three-dimensional sphere. We added a cast shadow.

Makea sketched three shapes, using the pencil to show darker and lighter shades.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Planning my camp writing - by Brendon

At camp we went to the hall and ride scooters and play basketball it was so fun we went to killer zone it was fun  we had a boot to  and we had to throw the boot into the black mat did we run to our flag and  put it up and we won then we went to the beach for kayaking  l went to the green point it was so cool.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Year 5&6 Camp 2018

Last week it was time for Point England School's 28th Annual Year 5&6 camp. The event really can  be called a camp as our accommodation was a tent city on the school field!  During the day we took part in all sorts of amazing activities, experiencing new things and making new friends.   Such fun!

Monday, 5 March 2018

He waka eke noa

We are so proud to be aboard our class waka as we are embarking on our learning journey together this year.  We are all in the same boat, learning to work together and paddle in the same direction to achieve our goals.  He waka eke noa!

Monday, 26 February 2018

Sharing Mathiness

Last Monday during PENN we watched an old movie about the young people of PES spreading happiness. Today we shared our PENN movie for Term 1 about sharing "mathiness".  Room 11 is really excited about learning lots of new things this year and everyone loves Maths. Here's why!

Monday, 19 February 2018

KaitĪakitanga i nga wā kātoa

KaitĪakitanga i nga wā kātoa means guardians of everything around us. As guardians of our environment, we strolled over to Omaru Creek today to explore the birds, plant life and check on the condition of the water.  It was wonderful to see  ducks, pūkeko and dotterel in the clear water and around the reserve.  It reminded us of how this time last year the stream was severely polluted and needed a lot of cleaning and care to return it to a healthy environment.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

All About Me - by Precious

My name is Precious and I am 9 years old and I live in Glen Innes in
Auckland. I live with my mum my dad and my 5 siblings.

My favourite food in the world will be pizza and noodles. My favourite t.v show that I usually watch will be Narnia because I like the part the lion comes out to see them and even Santa to give them a good and nice cool supersize. And my favourite sport is netball and tag cause i get to hang out with my god brother. And last is my favourite colour will be blue.

I enjoy learning maths because i love maths because it is my favourite subject in the world and i am also very good at it. I am going to try and get better at my reading a little bit because i not that good at reading so that is all i need to work on this year.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Let the games begin!

We were so excited to attend to our first Kiwisport session for 2018 today. Coach Mark is going to teach us how to play Ki-o-Rahi. He explained how the legend of Rahitutakahina (Rahi) inspired the game which Māori warriors played to keep fit and ready for battle!  We ran, chased and dodged each other playing Taniwha and Kīoma so he could check out our skills.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Welcome to Room 11 2018!

It's 2018! An amazing group of enthusiastic learners are beginning a new year in a new classroom.What a wonderful first day back at school today! During the term we will be learning about being guardians of our environment, Kaitīakitanga i nga wā kātoa.